By Katelyn Neumann/GG Staff Writer
December is here and with it comes Holiday spirit, finals, winter break, and basketball games. But for many students it brings the start of something else: Pep band.

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Pep band is a required activity for any students involved in a band class and counts for a grade. The members of pep band are split into two groups, Maroon band and Navy band. Each group is graded on their attendance to their scheduled games and if they are wearing the proper attire (band shirts).
Members are not only required to stay through both the girls and boys games, but also need to show up early to warm-up and run through some tunes. The rehearsal time varies between a half an hour to a full hour before the game.
While this activity may seem tedious and time consuming, it is often the highlight of many students’ band season.
“It’s just a great experience,” said Serenity Johnson (10). “The band just has this awesome energy. Whether we’re winning or not, we bring the fun.”
In fact, many students show up, not only to their assigned games, but the other group’s games as well. “I would go to all of the games if I could,” said senior Chase Barton. “It’s so much fun getting everyone pumped up and energized.”
Another reason many people attend the extra games is lettering points. To letter in band you need a total of 500 points, which are accumulated through things like attending college band concerts, helping out with Husker football parking, and, of course, Pep Band. “One of the biggest reasons I go to the extra Pep Band games is that it’s the easiest way to earn my lettering points,” Sarah Johnston (10) said.
The Pep Band plays a large variety of tunes, ranging from “Fancy” and “Roar” to “867-5309” and “Stacy’s mom.” Even with all of the song selections most all band members agree,the best piece played is “Zoot Suit Riot,” “It’s just a really fun and excited song,” said Barton. “It gets everyone so pumped up and excited. I love it.”
Junior Alex Meysenburg said, “To me, the best part of being in Pep Band is all of the quirky things we do that make us, us.”
As most all groups do, the Pep Band has many traditions that help make the group stand out, like beginning every game with The Jackson 5’s “I Want You Back” and ending with Bruce Channels “Hey Baby!” The band members also have choreographed moves to go with every drum cadence.
The fun doesn’t stop there though. After the games, the Pep Band members load into their cars and head to Dairy Queen to hang out and unwind after all the excitement.