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The Student News Site of Lincoln North Star High School

Gator Galaxy

Gator Galaxy

Gator Galaxy

Ellie Peters

Ellie Peters, Staff

Hi! My name is Ellie. I am a senior here at LNS and it's my first year on yearbook staff. I am super excited to be taking photos and helping design our yearbook this year! 
My favorite part of North Star is the people I have met here and the friends I have made. 
All content by Ellie Peters
Mr. Jank poses outside of his classroom at North Star High School.

The Spirit of Gator Nation

Ellie Peters, Staff September 26, 2023

Mr. Jank, a teacher at Lincoln North Star, has been here as a teacher for 11 years and a coach for 7 years. He is one of the assistant coaches for the boys tennis team and as of this year he is the head...

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Ellie Peters