After talking to head coach, Sara Domeir, along with the other coaches, they are all pumped for season 2025. The season has officially started and tryouts have begun. Brian Wadzilak, Ryan Ziola, and Domier expect this year’s team to be close knit and there for eachother. Even though there are 17 different events they are one team.
Brian Wandzilak, assistant coach, specialized in distance events and will be part of North Star for his 21st season. Speaking to Wandzilak, he wants to see his athletes be consistent and be there for their teammates. Specifically speaking distance wise he only seeks good health for his runners. Not only that he always welcome everyone to join for the growth of the distance program and portray North Star the proper way.
To continue off of that note, Ryan Ziola will be with North Star for his 12th season as the jumpers and assistant coach. Like Wandzilak, he wants there to be growth not only to his event but all 17 events. He wishes to see all of his athletes succeed whether that be improving each meet or setting new personal records.
Lastly, Domier has started her journey as head coach of track and field for the second year. Domier has experience of coaching for about 24 years under her belt. She hopes those who are curious about track come out and at least try it. Track and field is measured by individual successes and just by metals and points. Her goal is to have a positive atmosphere, while accepting things that go wrong and move onto the next day fresh. In the end she would love for the team during the regular season to place consistently. Once it is championship season she hopes the girls team will place top 12 and boys top 3 at state.