Having the four snow days can be so nice. It helps teachers and students get a much needed break. They are able to refocus and catch up on other things that they have been putting aside. Snow days also are an opportunity to hangout with friends and families. Having snow days are also great for fun activities like sledding, having movie marathons, and hot chocolate.
Last week the gators were very lucky and got four snow days in a row. Although the temperature was super low and there was snow everywhere they still decided to make the most out of the four extra days off. I was able to have a chat with a few of them and got some insight into what they did. Senior Camden McCarthy had a pretty busy week, he was swimming at HAC. McCarthy PR’d in all his events which was super exciting. The men’s 200m freestyle relay also got a state cut. Apart from swimming, Freshman Kenadie Lantz had a volleyball tournament in Omaha and got to bake cookies, and hangout with her teammates and friends. Lantz also attended state wrestling and got to cheer on all the gators that qualified. Charleigh Stengel (10) decided to stay outdoors while it was freezing cold and sled with her friends. Stengle said she went out with Will, Tim, Natalie, and Maya to the Calvary Church.