With the first semester coming to an end, North Star archery competitive season starts. The team has been practicing since the middle of October and will continue to go on until the middle of March, but let’s get to know the coaches and learn a little more about them and the sport. Coach Mike Yost started coaching at prairie bowman with a small group of kids on Saturdays and did it for a while but eventually the kids grew up and started going to the brand new high school at that time. (North Star) The kids convinced him to follow them there and ever since then he has been coaching for North star, making him a true gator!
Coach Norm Gesch has been coaching archery since 1997 when his kids were in boy scouts and in camp cornhusker but has only been at North Star for about 7 years. Thanks to Yost, coach Janice Hueske has been there for only 5 years, “If not for me, none of the computer work would ever get done!” Every coach has shot archery with Gesch doing it the longest, but why such a passion towards a sport? “It’s a sport anyone can do. I’m gonna be 77 and I’m still doing it. Being close to 77 I have knowledge I’d like to pass on and you can never really outgrow it. Plus I’d like to keep the kids off computers and give them something to do besides looking at a screen.” Coach Gesch says. It’s easy to start shooting for the school. All you need is a willingness to learn and listen. You might want to buy an Archery glove and arm guard but they have everything you need. There is a price to join, every week there is a $5 weekly fee and dues to be paid before January 1st. The dues cover a team shirt and registration for state. Once tournaments start it’s approximately $15 to shoot, but how would I join? “Make a commitment, show up, and have a willingness for a different sport. I have had kids come up to me crying saying it’s too hard and they can’t do it but then when they practice hard enough they can do it.” Coach Yost states.
Every coach encourages new members to join the team. Practices are every Thursday from 4-6PM at Prairie Bowman (1432 N Cotner Blvd) and the team would love to see you join!
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