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Students from the LNS Latino Club.
Students from the LNS Latino Club.
Ameya Casillas

Bringing the Latino Community Together at LNS

A Look Into the Latino Club at North Star

UUniting and celebrating communities is very important to North Star. September 15 through October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage month. Festivals and celebrations are held all around the United States to commemorate the holiday. However, at North Star, we bring the Latino community together all year around. According to, Lincoln North Star has a Hispanic population of 22%. An important way we highlight our hispanic population is by having our Latino Club. In this club they discuss and celebrate their culture and are big on giving advice and assuring good mental health for the members.

When asked about his favorite part of being a member of the Latino Club, Senior Isaul Ibarra-Zavah says, “I love when Guadalupe pulls me out of Class to check on my mental health. This makes me feel important and like I matter.” Guadalupe is the supervisor of the Latino Club at North Star. Every member of the club is always checked on and uplifted by the Staff. “Personally, my favorite part is having my very own hispanic mentor I can always count on,” says Senior member, Emily Piña. Being a Latina herself, Guadalupe understands the members’ parenting-styles and can communicate with their families. She can also give impacting advice based on her knowledge.

The Latino Club not only encourages people at the school, but helps out the community outside. An important way the group helps out is volunteering. Volunteering teaches the members how to improve their job skills and can increase socializing. Another way they actively boost the community is having a booth at the Latino festival. The Latino Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska is a festival that is usually held during Hispanic Heritage month at El Centro de las Américas. During this festival latino-made music is played, live performances are held, and a variety of foods from many Latin countries.

North Star takes care of our Latino Community and makes sure their well-being and mental health is getting better throughout the school year. Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!


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