On Friday, September 29, 2023 North Star scholars who have signed up will have the opportunity to donate their blood during a blood drive. The blood drive runs from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Students who have signed up did it through a physical information form that required a parent signature. While it may be too late for others to sign up for this exact blood drive, it’s not too late to donate blood. Donated blood is something that is needed everyday. Giving blood may be a goal for some people, while others have zero interest in this topic. It could be because of a fear of needles or just because they don’t see all the good behind doing so.
The real question is why should we donate blood? We obviously don’t receive any money by donating it. The real reward of donating blood is having the ability to help people in need and the people in our community. The very giving people who donate blood regularly keep our nation’s blood supply stable. The blood we donate is sent to hospitals and given to people who are in need of it. When I asked North Star Senior, Josh Goodrich, what made him want to donate blood, he said “I just want to help whoever I can.” The generosity of people like Josh who donate blood are the reason why doctors are able to save lives everyday. Just by giving one donation of blood you can save up to three lives.

Now the next time a blood drive is available somewhere in your community, I hope you do good for others and donate blood. Not only will you be doing good for others but yourself as well. Knowing the blood that you donated is going and helping the lives of others should bring you happiness and make you feel like a better person.